Women's Ministry
Daughters of The Holy Cross
The Daughters of the Holy Cross is a group of women who have committed their lives to the work and service of our Lord Jesus Christ. They are committed to making disciples and serving Jesus through their Rule of Life: prayer, service, study, and evangelism. The Church Of Our Saviour chapter is a member of the national order of the Daughters of the Holy Cross. This order originated as a ministry of the Anglican Church of North America in 2006.
The DOHC meet monthly to share fellowship and encourage members to pray daily for our church, its clergy, the Order, and others in need. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they reach out to those who do not know Jesus and share His message of salvation through word and deed. They equip themselves with the mighty sword of truth as contained in the Holy Bible. They wear a universal cross as a symbol of Jesus' sacrifice and the need for Him to be in their daily lives.
This ministry is a blessing to our community as we continue to answer God's call to connect to Christ and Community and to make disciples that make disciples. If you are interested in learning more about the Daughters of the Holy Cross, please contact Susan Burns at susanfburns64@gmail.com.
Bible Study Fellowship
Click here for more
nformation about BSF
Church of Our Saviour is a host site for Bible Study Fellowship for Women. Currently the group is studying the book of Revelation. The group meets on Mondays from 10:00 to 11:30 at Church of Our Saviour.
Women's Weekly Bible Study
This group meets weekly on Thursday mornings at 9:30 am. Their focus is on examining biblical truths as they walk through specific books of the Bible together. No registration required. For more information: womensministry@oursavioursc.com